Monday, September 25, 2017

   1) I believe that Aristotle would have been satisfied by the painting of the signing of the Constitution of the United States. It shows how a group of people can come together with organized thought and really look at the government they have been dealing with and try to form a better one by looking at a bigger picture “for the people”

   2) One element in the painting relating to the representing society, would be the simple feature of the many people in this one room brainstorming to come up with a more correct form of government. Not just having a signal person come up with laws and adjusting them to fit his or her means. 

   3) Aristotle would have assumed that based off the painting the government being formed would be a Democracy. Based on the painting you can see that they’re almost taking a vote in the room which you could relate to Democracy because it’s over “Majority Rule”.

   4) For the time period they represent it well. It was really up to everyone else to follow it or not. kkkk
        Image result for aristotle     Image result for signing of the declaration


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