Monday, October 2, 2017

   1.       Bourgeois can also be referred to as a white collar employee. Typically the white collar workers have office jobs. They work for a set salary wage, which is based off of a yearly rate. White collar workers also try to get benefits, vacation time, and bonus throughout the year. Proletarians in today’s time would be considered as a blue collar employee. They will work for an hourly rate so they’re only guarantee money for the time they have worked. Unless one is full time, around 40 hours a week, they will not receive any of the benefits or vacation time. Depending on their employer will determine if they get any bonus or not. A pro for being a Proletarian is that there is room to work overtime which can help you make more than salary. But a con to that would be working more hours than a salary employee.

    2.       Expanding the world market is good in some sense. It can bring new techniques on making certain products or bring new technology or ideas into a business. On the other hand it can also bring in competition between USA and other foreign countries. As long as people can collaborate with each other and be reasonable then I believe that expanding the world market is a good choice.

    3.       A big benefit that Marx expect communism to provide for the proletariat is that they see them as a class of people that are struggling to make end means. So because of this they are trying to “abolition of private property”. Doing this will in theory make everything as a whole and will put everyone on the same scale, working together instead of classes.

   4.       Unless something dramatically happens with the economy, then nothing will solve the problem of the Rich and Poor. Banks or governments will bail each other out until the economy as whole crashes. It’s not easy to solve the problem with the rich and poor. It’ll always be as such because of how society has evolved. Someone will always have more than you.  

     Image result for White collar workers                   Image result for blue collar workers                 

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