Tuesday, October 24, 2017


1. Have children learn at their own pace but guide them towards the right direction. This will give them the freedom to choose what they learn and how they learn it.

2. The texture, color, and size of the furniture make it interesting for the children. As well as make it easier for the kids to complete various activities.

Image result for textbooks3. When a child has freedom, they can choose what they want to learn at their own pace and continue on with repetition to further their learning. Only able to move on with the approval of the adult in charge.

4. Thinking in education is a way in learning but more on the brainstorming side. Not only should you take in the information but also ask yourself how it came to be this way. The apple fell from the tree from you shaking it, but why did it fall straight down?

5. One condition that must exist is to have a hands on learning approach. It’s been proven that hands on works better in most cases, which will be easier to grasp certain problems.

6. Learn for becoming a better citizen and improving society. Students while learning must have the free will to learn on their own but be carefully monitored. Better to guide the students then to push the students towards something.                                                               

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