Thursday, November 2, 2017

Blog 10
Wollstonecraft, Kozol, & Woodson

    1.       It seems that pernicious effects is a way to evilly undermine women to the point of them feeling small and insignificant. Almost like they’re not good enough to do a certain job or a task at hand. In other words, they would spoil society and everything it stands for. Pretty harsh in my opinion.
    2.       Women are not property. However, in the late 50’s it was almost certain that women were view that way. Things such as not being able to divorce their husband or if they wanted to leave they basically had to leave everything behind, even their own children. Marital rape was even legal and “a new law in 1782 stated that a husband should not beat his wife with a stick wider than his thumb.”     
    3.       It had to have a big impact on women from the way they were being treated. Almost the same as dogs you could say in some occasions. The inequality it brought to them made them stand up for one another and make them not as weak but strong and united.
    4.       Kozol stated that there was really no such thing as diversity. However, segregation among schools was more of the problem.

    5.       Woodson meant that if you wanted to get a higher education or a better job you must use the tools that have be given to you to get somewhere in life. No one deserves special treatment type of out look.
                               Image result for Mary Wollstonecraft

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